The Annual General Meeting: The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest decision making body of ZLA. It consists of members drawn from member organizations. The AGM among other functions approve reports from the Board Chairperson, financial reports of the preceding year, elects National Board members, approves auditor’s report of the previous year and approve application for membership among other functions.
The National Board: Currently, a National Board consisting of three (3) national members, two (2) District Branches and the ZLA Executive Director as some ex-officio. According to the ZLA Constitution, the purpose of the Board is ensure that the vision, mission and strategic priorities are achieved by undertaking reviews of the quarterly and annual work plans and financial statements and to liaise with government and non-governmental institutions in pursuing the goal of ZLA.
The National Secretariat: The National Secretariat (NS) is charged with the key role of coordination and member capacity development. Located in Lusaka, the Secretariat is run by full time staff who are supported occasionally by volunteers and interns. The Secretariat is headed by the Executive Director who is also Secretary and ex-official of the NB.
District Branches: Each district branch domesticates operational and administrative documents developed by the NS, and is governed by a District Board, which supervises staff. The district branch’s main role is to plan and implement activities in their operational areas. Each branch has its own district members through which they plan and implement their activities The district branches collate reports from CLACs and members, and submit consolidated periodic report to the National Secretariat.
Community Land Advocacy Committees (CLACs): The operational structure of ZLA starts with CLACS who are situated at the community level. The CLACs are the link between the district branches and the community. These volunteer- ran structures are responsible for mobilizing community for activities, lobbying at community level and overseeing other community groups such as CBNRMC, study circle and saving groups.
Zambia Land Alliance is a platform for collective action committed to promoting equitable access, control and secured ownership of land by the rural, peri-urban and urban poor and marginalized, through lobbying and advocacy, networking, research and community partnership
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2024 Zambia Land Alliance - Land is Life. All rights reserved.